Allison Darcy is a writer, storyteller, and educator living in North Carolina. She holds an MA in Religious Studies from Duke University and an MFA in Fiction from North Carolina State University, where she taught creative nonfiction and beginning creative writing. She currently leads beginner and intermediate classes in Fiction and Memoir (and numerous niches thereof) with Redbud Writing Project in various locations across the Triangle as well as virtually.
Allison was the winner of the 2020 North Carolina State Prize for Fiction. Her short stories, poems, and Pushcart-nominated nonfiction have been published or recognized by Catapult, Alma, Glimmer Train, and Nat. Brut, among others, and she writes reviews for HorrorBuzz and Hippocampus.

Allison is also a Jewish youth professional, a Hebrew calligrapher, an immersive horror enthusiast, a circus arts tourist, a disability advocate, and probably many other things she hasn't realized yet. In her free time, she mostly obeys the whims of her 50 lb lapdog, Freyja.